I ADORE my roommates!
I love them so so so much it is crazy! We all get along so great and we like to talk about how great we are to each other. We live, hang out, sleep, eat, dream, cry, laugh together. We are together probably more than it is healthy but we never get tired of each other so I guess its a good sign?
We ALWAYS have something to talk about. We look after each other and stick up for each other. We even told one of the guys one of us was dating "when youre dating one of us youre dating all of us" and he agreed. Ha Now we give everyone a heads up. I love how much we care about each other and we always want to go out of our way to serve each other. We listen to each other complain about the same thing over and over again and every time we feel for the other.
We have ZERO secrets between each other and I love that. In December we will loose 3 as two go on missions and one gets married (: so right now we are just making every moment count!