Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Back to December!

Oh December...How I love you,
you always keep me going!
Started off with a Birthday (:
And thenn...

ROC's last fireside ): ): 
And THEN...
Sara's ballroom concerts!
*which for some reason the picture wont upload ):* 
And thennn....
MY last ROC show ): ): 


Heidi and Todd's wedding!! (:


Aubrey's Farewell!! (:
I had to organize the Ward's Christmas Activity (:

I got to fly home for Christmas!
to my sweet sweet south!!
And now??
I'm back):
At my last day of work at the sweet hotel because TOMORROW I start my great new little job at the Dental Clinic!
And then?
New Years....
Life has been GOOD (:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ever broken a bone??

Ever sliced your finger cut?
Broke a bone?
Had an arm chopped off?

I havent. Well, not had an arm chopped off at least.
But I have had a finger cut and broken a bone.
Each pain was different but pain non the less.

Where am I getting at with this statement?
Well, when I broke a bone I experienced PAIN!!
When I sliced my finger broken I experienced pain but it wasnt as bad as the bone so yeah it hurt but I didnt freak out as much.

Same happens with trials. Sometimes we go through something small, but as we grow up and we get stronger our trials get bigger! We experience different pain and at times it gets grater and greater.
So when we are faced with smaller things its not that we are "cold" people.
Simple enough we've already been through worse so something as small as "breaking a nail" isnt that big of a deal when you've had a broken bone before!

So thats the way I see it (:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It is what it is...

"Youre so blunt"
"gahh youre such a brat!"
"...I dont know what to say anymore. Youre so straight forward!"

Direct quotes from a conversation last night. This person kept saying things like these over and over again.
It's true. Its like I have no fitler in that mouth of mine. I just say things as they come in my head. Which can be tough on the person listening but, it is what it is.

Things like....
"i'd rather be blunt than stupid and let people think they have me fooled"
"I wish I could be more sensitive, or caring about this subject but i honestly dont care"
"it is what it is. Go ahead and leave and figure things out on your own because I'm not here to teach life lessons"
"I'm not a gray person. With me its either black or white, it either is or isnt!"

There came a time in my life when I was sensitive to other people's feelings at the expense of mine. I tried to sugar coat everything and make everything sound the best I could. However, i've learned that's very dumb. People are dumb and sometimes just just gotta say it how it is. Even if it hurts because then there's no chance of your words getting twisted.

So call me a brat, blunt, straight forward or whatever but at least I'll never leave you in doubt of what I'm really thinking! (;

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Dont ask me to understand stupidity.
I've never been one to put up with people's stupidity. I hate stupid people, I hate their stupid ways of dealing wtih things.

I cant stand people who dont know what they want out of their life and let that be okay.
I hate when people try to use others to cover up their insecuriyt and idiocity.
I really dislike people that do something sooo stupid and expect you to understand  just because they're "unsure"
and what about those people who are stupid and know nothing about themselves but expect to help you with YOUR problems...pfft!!
the list could go on forever!! 

I'm no know it all at all but I stick to what I know and keep learning. I dont try to drag people down with me when Im unsure of something, I dont get myself into situations that I know I cant handle, I dont use other people to learn lessons that are for me to find out on my own either. I handle my trials the best I can but always look out for others.

I can admit to be bratty and sometimes unsensitive to people's idiocity but I've seen it so much in my lifetime that I just have no patience for it. Is it really that hard to act your age???

AHHH! (: Ok I'm done!