Monday, December 20, 2010

Growing up some more.

Well, its time to make the announcement on  my blog since everyone that needs to know has been personally told (:
I finally got a place.

Well, it wont be MY place but I'll be moving into an apartment with roommates on January 3rd (: I'm really excited and really scared but it will be a good experience (: Besides, I'm kind of running out of fun experiences for my blog!!

So...its official!

14 days until I move out completely on my own...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Prince Charming Story...

Well, this is one of those girly posts, so here it goes...

Prince Charming (: Blah, every single girl on this planet earth has and idea of what Pirnce Charming is to them. We all have hope that Prince Chraming will come. I don't think one day I will walk out and in my front door a boy in a white horse will be there. No, not at all. Prince Charming will come at his given time.

You see, when I was younger I painted myself an image of Prince Charming. Certain qualities, that I wanted him to have, certain talents, and even a certain look.

So here is the Prince Charming story:
A few months ago I met the Prince Charming I imagined when I was younger. The look, the style, the qualities, every single detail was there. Prince Charming came into my life (: (: I was at first blown away by how perfect he was, how every little detail was there!
But something was wrong.  "Prince Charming" knew he was "Chraming" and not only did he know but all the girls seemed to notice.
Uh oh, my little 6, 9, 13, 15, 16 year old mind didn't wrap its mind around how Imperfect a perfect prince would be. It took me a few times to realize that "Prince Charming" wasn't what I always thought it was. The qualities I wanted, and everything I hoped for were reachable things but were they important things?

So from night to day my "prince charming" became just another ugly frog.

So what changed? Did the prince really become ugly? Or was his "perfection" just too much to handle?
Well, I dont think there was anything wrong with the Prince. I simply think that my idea of what a prince was changed as I grew older and learned more about who Prince Charming was to me.

Simple enough. Other things became important, some qualities became requirements, and other "talents" became not as important (: 

I know every boy out there being the best He can be, is Prince Charming to some beautiful Princess who awaits impatiently 

But impatiently doesn't mean desperately (: So frogs, please stay away.

Happy Ending is what we're all striving for after all! (:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Farewell friends!

It's that time of year again. Where we say bye to friends that are leaving on missions (: it really is such a blessing to have the chance to know SO many righteous young  men who follow the Lord right before our eyes. (: however, it's still sad for those of us who are left behind. I'm not talking in the romantic sense simply because CLEARLY these boys are awesome, selfless friends to have. So when they pack up and go...its always hard to give them that last hug goodbye. 

Who knows where we will be in two years? But one thing is for sure (: the friendship we had was real!! 

Good luck to all the great boys entering the MTC tomorrow! (: The Lord has real plans for you all (: 

Especially Good luck to my best friend Tony (: One year as a member and off he goes to share what he knows to be true! (: 

Monday, December 6, 2010

How does a "normal" girl respond?

A few weeks ago I was at work, and there was a couple there. The way they both were acting was kind of like a "first date", after hearing some stuff they'd talk to I was sure this was a first date. Well, after they are done eating, he gets up and says to her "you look really nice by the way". Now, I know most girls are thinking "aww" but my first thought was 

"OOOOOOOOHHH C'MOOONN!!!!! what a creep!" 

Not to say he did anything wrong in complimenting her but it was just awkward! I don't even think it came out honest, they'd been together for a just seemed like he didn't know what to say but he wanted to flirt some more so he said that. 
Okay, okay. Yes I am weird. So here is my problem. I have issues. hahah well yes I have plenty but the most recent discovered one is. I dont really know how to react when someone (boys) compliment me, but ESPECIALLY when they hit on me. It's creepy i think, but it's part of "dating" (which that's another issue.) 

So today I went to the bank. The teller there ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS hits on me. It's sooooooooooooo creepy and soooooooo awkward. I usually stay away from him when I go in but today I had to make some adjustments to my bank account and he was there! Ready to help!...mmmm....okay, so I sit down. Something that should've taken about 10 minutes tops took 30 stinking loooong precious minutes!!! He asked questions like 
"how is your famiily? What's your relationship with them like? How many brother's and sisters do you have? where do you live? what days are you usually off work? So what are you getting your boyfriend for Christmas? blah blah blah" It was like first date questions at the bank! Creepy. 

I'll admit I left there feeling pretty crappy because I was sooo rude!!!. A little example? Okay, well at the end he asked me when i was going to come back (because after 30 minutes he wasn't able to help me since I didn't have my ID on me). I told him "idk probably after Christmas, it's really not that important and coming isn't the most thrilling thing I have going on on my days off." then he told me what days he works, and what that I can come back and get help from HIM! I was like "yeah, seems like when i come you're always here" and he says "or is it that you look for me?" one of his co-workers I guess overheard him but I didn't see him so I responded "um, sure if that makes you feel important, or helpful then yes. I come looking for you.....but what's your name again?" so his co-worker started laughing and came to give me a high 5. 

Finally, after 30 long minutes I left. It was funny because the feeling i had was weird. i wanted to get out of there as fast as I could because i was running out of responses!!! The guy isn't ugly, nor rude, he's actually very very nice and speaks spanish, he's pretty good looking. So it's not like I would never give him the time of day, but for some reason when I'm put in that situation. I just think its soooooooo weird and I just get annoyed....I can take it when it's a guy i'm close to but when its just some random guy i start thinking "was that a pick up line or are you just being stupid?" lol (: 

Oh, well. I sure hope i'm not the only one with that fear. 

For any guys reading this: Dont worry, I'm sure plenty of girls looove this kind of attention. So I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I just have issues (: haha you keep doing what you do.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy birthday to me!!?

Funny to think that when I was younger I couldn't wait to grow older and make my own birthday parties. Spend my birthday with just kid birthday parties were fun too but I was ready for "big people" parties. 

Well, yesterday was my birthday....I just got home about 20 minutes ago and I just had to hop on here to update my blog because i had some stuff on my mind all day. 
Over all, I had an AMAAZZZINNG birthday! Really, it was a blast!
But I couldn't help but notice how different things are now. 

This morning, we had "lunch" as a family (: My mom took the day off work and came down to see me. So my brother, sister-in-law and my beautiful niece all went out to eat! It really was fun (except for the Haley choking part). I took a picture with my mom that I was really excited for (: and we look great. Then she went shopping with me to find an outfit for my party, and it was really fun! We didn't argue and I wasn't snotty because I never see her anymore, so when I do get to have her around I try to be the best person I can be (:  I didn't really want her to leave...shhhh.

After spending time together she went with me to see the place where I chose to have my party, and I had to pay for all of the stuff necessary. That was the first time ever. Big people parties involve paying for EVERYTHING on your own (well almost, she helped with some) Then it was time for her to go and me to enjoy my big girl party .....It was fun dont get me wrong. My friend's are great, crazy, funny, people but I couldn't help but feel sad that this was the first birthday party without my mom. When the time came to cut the cake, and have everyone gather to sing happy birthday. I had to gather everyone: 

The memory came to me of how I'd never done that before. I was  so used to my mom getting everyone together, and lighting the candles for me. I was used to her singing first so everyone would start. Not now. This was a "big" girl party. Then after blowing the candle, and being smashed into it, I went to clean up...expecting someone to cut the cake and distribute it. Nobody did, I had to ask people to. My mom would always do it. ):

This birthday wasn't bad one bit. But it's funny how now that i'm a "big girl" I wish for things that I had back then; A "big girl" birthday party meant being with just friends...and although it was a blast, the best part of my birthday was being with my family. I'm also poor, paying for everything on my own isn't easy one bit. Finally the cake wasn't in charge this time. I was. 
If anything this birthday made me realize that I am a big girl now...i guess. 
But mostly it made me appreciate a lot, everything my mom did for me. She's amazing. (: 

Funny how you die to get older, then once you're older; you'd die to go back (: oh well. 

now to make the best out of my "big girl" life. bleh!
I'll update pictures tomorrow.