Wednesday, June 8, 2011

As if being short isnt hard enough!

Being short is tough! 
Yess...yesss it is! waaaa waaaahhh!!! 

Actually, no. being short isnt that bad! I dont really mind it because for the most part 
Ive learned to know what things I can do or cant do! 

However, life becomes hard when the place where I live makes it hard. 
You see, my apartment is fully furnished. When i moved in I had this bed! which is a little tall but no big deal right?

Well!!! they've decided to make my life hard by switching our beds!!! to a bed almost as tall as mee!!! 

Lame huh!?? 

Oh gee...there will be nothing better than being reminded how short I am when I wake up and when I go to bed.. 


1 comment:

  1. OMG, those beds look like the ones I had when I went to Snow college!! Hahaha I ended up with the really tall one that's almost as tall as you1!
