Thursday, November 10, 2011

stay....or go, but do it now (:

I have learned a new lessson.. 
some people are made to be part of your life while others...aren't. 

I stop and think about how many people came in to my life this year and the list is very long but the list of those who actually stayed is small. I guess when we meet people we take that chance, to either let them in our lives or let them walk out. Does that make sense? 

I'll admit I'm one of those people who puts a wall up and doesnt let people in easily simply because I can see them walking out right as they come in. However, there are those people who have actually stayed. I have learned that its through tough times that you realize who those people are meant to be. Its through tough times when the reason why those people are in your life comes clear and when your relationship with them grows enough that you dont ever want to lose them or they never want to lose you. (: 

You shouldnt expect everyone to walk out but you should also not expect everyone to stay forever. So I've learned to just soak up all you can from everyone that comes in to your life, learn from them, and enjoy them because they could be gone tomorrow.... 

Its kind of like that quoe that says something along the lines of those who are meant to stay will and those who arent dont matter or something like that....its easy to say they'll be there (or that you'll be there) for someone in the moment but will they really? 

So many people can say "no matter what, you'll never lose me" but sometimes we as human get caught up in only our needs and we forget that we ever made that promise. 

This song inspired me to write this post and really helped me realize what I've learned these past few months I guess the biggest lesson I learned is let those who dont want to stay woalk out...because although it may be tough be sure that there is someone out there who DOES want to be part of you life.... (: 

Chris Medina is a huge example. 


  1. Oh my goodness, Mariana... your post helped me a lot<3 thank youuuuu:)

  2. Thanks for sharing the lesson. I feel I knew that, but it's also great to see someone else realizes it too. Way to go girl! Sometimes it's a tough lesson to apply.
