Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things that make my heart happy (:

Hmmm, I think I've come up with a theme for my life.
Be where You need to be when you need to be there...whatever it takes! (:

Since graduation life has been kind of blaaah...
It's true, I haven't gone back to school and that is a HUGE reason of why but there are a lot of little details that make that not so much of an option for me at the moment. So, here I've been...
Trying to find a way to feel like I have a purpose again.

There were mornings when I'd wake up and know that other than school there was somewhere I needed to be.

R.O.C. (:

R.O.C. is a dance group that represents different cultures and goes around sharing our testimonies through dance and singing. We do firesides on sundays and perform during the week.

I've missed dancing so much its kind of sick. I've known ROC is where I've needed to be but I kept putting it off due to some small details. Finally, I decided to find a way for something that I love...dancing.

I am now part of ROC and it's the best thing ever (: the feeling I get when I wake up in the morning and think, "i have practice today" is just too much to handle. AAHHH (: Practice has been a little sad and stressful because Tour is in two weeks and I have about 6 months of coreography to catch up on but finally I have something to work for and something to look forward to (: (:

The best part out of the whole thing is...I get to dance again! (: and THAT itself is enought. When I dance it just feels like i need absolutely NOTHING (: Which now, dancing has taken a whole new level because I'm learning how to dance and share my testimony through it at the same time!!!

To think I almost let go of that opportunity for small detailss....

No more of that...

From now on, i'll be where I need to be when I need to be there...whatever it takes (:

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way you do about dance. It is such a great expression of the soul! I think for people like you and I that dance was part of the reason we were so excited to come down to earth and get a body :D
