Starvation...My B.F.F.F.
I spend every single day with it.
Morning, night, afternoon, noon. We are tight! haha (:
Okay, I'm not annorexic I love love love love love food too much I'm just one of those persons who forgets to eat. Many people have asked how that's possible? and although I'd love to come up with a great answer that's not what this blogg is about so I'm off the hook (: haaha
I'd have to say that probably 20% of the reasons why I forget to eat is because I dont want to make myself anything TO eat haha so I just suck it up (: which is not good and blah blah blah.
Today though!!! Starvation got the best of me...I felt like I could eat the entire kitchen! So I got down to some cooking. I made pasta and attempted to heat up some chicken nuggets.
I made those chicken nuggets the way I was supposed to! I read the instructions, and it said 6 1/2 minutes...So I did that...and happened. (:
hehe (: Can you say over cooked? needless to say i did NOT have chicken nuggets for dinner, because although the rest look good and toasty they were hard as a rock.
This whole cooking thing is just not my thing...I want to be a good cook, and make dinner for my husband and kids one day but if lil incidents like these keep happening....marriage is just not an option ahaha for the sake of those little spirits haahahahah (: Maybe starvation beats catching my appartment on fire...juuust maybe.
Oh my goodness girl! You need to eat!! We seriously need to do a cooking session!