Sunday, January 16, 2011

"say what you need to say" ???

Moment of truth:
There's a conversation that for the past two years and 5 months I have rehearsed over and over again in my mind. I have had very real dreams about it, and I have imagined every answer possible.

So what am I missing? Well, the person that I need to say it to.

I'm usually very good about confronting people about my feelings or when something is bugging me but not this person. Although I've imagined the worst replies possible and the worst outcome possible I don't think I'm ready to hear it, or go through it.

How do you get over that fear? How do you wake up one morning with those gutts!? The gutts to stand infront of someone and say....
what you need to say?

 I had a chance this week but I chickened out and decided to "not talk about it".

How do you say what you need to say!??

Oh life....

1 comment:

  1. I love you girl!!! You are an incredible example! I know you can tell "that person" How you really feel and I really think that you should! I believe in you, you have always believed in me and now its my turn to show you. I know you can do it I promise you will feel so much better!
