Friday, November 12, 2010

Life changing decisions...


I remember clearly the day when I was 12,13,14,15,16 praying for this day to come. The day when I got to choose what I wanted to do with my life. The day seemed forever far. I never thought they day would come.

Oh how foolish of me....

The day came. Senior year, I began to see friends around me picking a path for their life. I still thought I had all the time in the world so I focused on the moment. I dedicated myself to what I was responsible of at the moment and for some reason thought that by worrying about the present the future would just sorta...plan itself.


I'm going to admit that I put off choosing my path for as long as I could. The biggest reason was I couldnt see a path for me. I knew there was one but wherever it was it was hidden. I tried to go with the flow, since school wasnt happening I attempted to work...adults do that right? For a few months I got into fooling myself that I had control and that somehow the future would all work out without me making any big decisions.


Dissapointment after dissapointment I realized I had to begin searching for my path. Doors began shutting and I finally hit a road full of

Many, many things happened during that time that at some point made me believe "this is what will direct me towards my path" or "okay this is it" and yet every single one FAILED! So now what? was time to put to use what I'd learned, read about, prepared for, and time to finally make a decision! Agh!!! it sounds so easy but making the decision that will choose your path is the hardest thing I've done yet. Especially because I always want to make an effort to choose what is in accordance with my Heavenly Father....I dont believe that my life is mine for me to just go wild with. It's my Father in Heaven's investment and I need to make the best out of it....


I narrowed down my decision to TWO choices...and then it was time to pray!

Both decisions were good ones but there was something missing.

Approval from my heavenly father...So off to the temple I went after a 24 hour fast. As I prayed about both decisions (hoping He would choose for me) I recieved something. NEATHER choice was THE right one. They were good, but it wasnt what he wanted from me!!!

edjfoawejroaeireaorawejraoerjaraeroaejra  AAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!

Finally, he told me what he wanted. and OOOHHHH BOY!!! it was a hard one!! Something that I didnt plan, nor want....

Yet this was what was being required.

So off to praying I went.....

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